Terms Of Use

Terms Of Use

Stand: 18. November 2024

Table of contents


1. Scope and acceptance of the terms of use

  • For the business relationship between QuickToJobs, Astrid Lindgren-Weg 12, 38229 Salzgitter (hereinafter referred to 
    as “Seller”) and the purchaser of the Seller’s products, hereinafter referred to as “Customer”, the following General
    Terms and Conditions apply exclusively (hereinafter referred to as “User Terms and Conditions”). These Terms of Use
    (hereinafter “Terms”) govern the use of the job board (hereinafter “Services”) of QuickToJobs (hereinafter “we” or
    “us”) as well as participation in the Publisher Program, the publication of job advertisements and the use of
    Advertising and Statistics Services. By using the Services, you agree to these Terms. If you do not agree to these
    Terms, you may not use the Services.

    Please read these Terms carefully as they contain important information about your rights and obligations.

    These Terms of Use apply to all users of the Services, including, but not limited to, employers, job seekers,
    publishers and partners who use the Jobboard to post job advertisements, serve advertising
    and other related services.
  • Differing conditions of the customer will not be recognized, even if the seller provides his service without objection,
    unless the seller expressly agrees to the validity of the customer's different conditions.
  • All personal names apply equally to both genders. For reasons of better readability, male and female language forms 
    were not used at the same time.
  • “Consumer” within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions is any natural person who concludes a legal 
    transaction for purposes that cannot be predominantly attributed to either their commercial or independent professional
  • “Entrepreneur” within the meaning of the General Terms and Conditions is a natural or legal person or a partnership 
    with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of their commercial or independent
    professional activity.
  • "Product" within the meaning of the General Terms and Conditions is any goods, services and other services offered by 
    the seller, any accessories and accompanying documentation, which are the subject of the contract between the seller
    and the customer in accordance with the product description provided to the customer by the seller or other agreement.
  • Regardless of the terms used in the General Terms and Conditions, such as “seller”, the legal classification of the 
    contract and the applicable legal regulations are always determined by the legal requirements of the respective
    contract types. These Terms and Conditions do not limit the legal definitions and regulations in any way.

2. Contact and service information


3. Terms of Use for Job Seekers


Creating a user account for job seekers

  • In order to access all functions of the job board, job seekers must create a user account. To do this, you must 
    register with a valid email address and password. You are responsible for keeping your login information confidential
    and protecting your account from unauthorized access.

Job search

  • After registering, job seekers can use the job board to search for open job vacancies. The search can be refined using
    various filter options (e.g. by job title, location or industry).

Submitting a job application

  • Job seekers can apply for job advertisements directly via the job board. To do this, applicants must upload the 
    necessary documents (e.g. CV, application letter) and submit them to the employer. The job seeker is responsible for
    the accuracy and completeness of the application documents.

Subscribe to job alerts

  • Job seekers have the option to subscribe to job alerts to be automatically informed about new job openings that match 
    their search criteria. The subscription can be managed or canceled by the user at any time.


4. Terms of Use for Employers


Creating an employer account

  • Employers must create a separate account to post job advertisements on the job board. Employers are responsible for the 
    accuracy and completeness of the information in the employer account and for the management of their job offers.


Placing and distributing job advertisements

  • Employers can create and publish job advertisements on the job board. Job advertisements must comply with applicable 
    laws, must not contain discriminatory, illegal or offensive content and must provide clear and precise information
    about the advertised position, the requirements and the benefits of the job.

    Employers may only publish job advertisements if they are authorized to advertise the position and if they have the
    necessary authority and capacity to enter into a contract with a potential applicant.

Rules for job advertisements

  • Truth and Accuracy: All job advertisements must be truthful and accurate.
  • No discrimination: Job advertisements must not contain discriminatory requirements based on gender, age, origin, religion, disability or other protected characteristics.
  • No illegal content: Job advertisements must not contain any illegal or prohibited content, such as: B. dubious employment relationships or fraudulent offers.
  • Clarity: Each job advertisement must contain a clear description of the position and the expectations of the applicant, including the required qualifications and working hours.

Job application and communication

  • Employers are obliged to respond appropriately to incoming applications and within a reasonable time frame. Employers 
    may not use discriminatory or unlawful reasons for rejecting an application.

Billing and Fees

  • The use of the job board to publish job advertisements may be subject to a fee. The fees and payment methods are 
    displayed in the relevant areas of the job board and can be adjusted at any time. Employers agree to pay all applicable
    fees in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions.


5. Package subscriptions


  • This only applies to the offer of packages for job advertisements.
  • The subscription allows customers to renew the same package without having to buy it again each time.
  • A "subscription" is the regular receipt of products or other services by "subscribers" (as customers are referred to 
    under subscription contracts) as part of an ongoing contractual relationship (also referred to as a "subscription
    contract") over a specified period of time (also referred to as " reference period").
  • A subscription contract obliges the seller to deliver the services covered by the subscription contract or to carry out 
    other actions at the agreed times or intervals and within the agreed reference period. The details of the individual
    subscriptions are provided with their respective offers.
  • Termination takes place on the next service or delivery date or the next delivery within the reference period.
  • Subscription contracts can only be canceled in the user account.

6. Information on package prices


  • Unless stated otherwise, all prices are net, plus the applicable statutory sales tax (VAT).

Package quotas

  • With our package quotas you have the opportunity to place multiple job advertisements.

7. Buying Traffic Terms and Conditions

Permitted practices

  • Employers can buy job ad traffic to increase the visibility of their offers. Purchased traffic may be generated through various sources, including QuickToJobs Job Search Engine, QuickToJobs Publisher Program, social media, paid advertising, and partnerships with third-party platforms. This traffic must be in accordance with applicable advertising guidelines and ethical standards.

8. Publisher Program Terms of Use

Conditions of Participation

  • The publisher program allows third parties (publishers) to integrate job advertisements on external websites or platforms and receive compensation for doing so. Publishers must register and meet the program's requirements. We reserve the right to terminate participation in the Publisher Program at any time if a Publisher violates these Terms.
  • QuickToJobs will provide the Client with access to an online dashboard for tracking billable clicks. Billable clicks for invoicing will be based on the online reports generated by Quicktojobs.com. The dashboard offers a clear, daily breakdown of statistics, providing full transparency on performance metrics.
  • The number of billable clicks for the Client’s invoice, as reported in QuickToJobs’ statistics, will be final and shall be used for billing purposes starting on the third day of each new month.
  • All invoices are due for payment within 30 days of the invoice date.


  • Compensation for publishers is based on cost-per-click (CPC) or other models specified within the program. The amount of compensation is determined in the respective contract or the agreements between us and the publisher.


Prohibited practices

It is prohibited to generate traffic through unethical or illegal methods, such as using click bots, deceptive advertising practices, or creating fake clicks and interactions. Violations of these provisions may result in the suspension of the user account and the cancellation of all payments.

9. Partner platforms

  • The job board can be connected to external partner platforms (e.g. job search engines or social networks) to increase the reach of the job advertisements. The use of these partner platforms is subject to the partners' respective terms and conditions. [Company Name] assumes no responsibility for the content or functionality of these partner platforms.

10. Customer account


  • The seller provides customers with a customer account. Within the customer account, customers are provided with information about the orders and their customer data stored by the seller. The information stored in the customer account is not public.
  • Customers are obliged to provide truthful information in the customer account and to adapt the information to changes in actual circumstances, to the extent this is necessary (e.g. the changed email address in the event of a change or the changed postal address before an order). Customers are responsible for any disadvantages resulting from incorrect information.
  • Customers are responsible for their customer accounts within their sphere of influence and to the extent that responsibility is reasonable for them. It is the customer's responsibility to exercise the greatest possible care when using access data for the customer account and to take every measure that ensures the confidential, secure handling of the data and prevents it from being disclosed to third parties. Customers are obliged to inform the seller immediately if there is reason to suspect that a third party has knowledge of access data and/or is misusing the customer account.
  • The customer account may only be used in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, in particular the regulations for the protection of third party rights, and in accordance with the seller's general terms and conditions using the access masks and other technical access options provided by the seller. A different type of use, especially through external software, such as B. Bots or crawlers are prohibited.
  • If customers store, share or otherwise publish content or information in their customer account, they are responsible for that content. Depending on technical possibilities, this content includes, for example, texts, images and information about people. The seller does not adopt the customer's content as his own and does not identify with this content. However, he reserves the right to take necessary measures if there are signs of legal problems or dangers for third parties.


These measures are based on carefully selected criteria. The goal is to ensure that every action is justified. It is checked whether a measure is necessary to solve the problem or avert the danger. It is also assessed whether the measure is proportionate to the severity of the problem or danger. Furthermore, care is taken to ensure that it is made with due care and after a thorough assessment of all relevant information and circumstances. Finally, the measure must be based on an objective and unbiased assessment of the situation.

The possible measures include deleting the content in question, requests for comments or corrections, warnings, legal action or even bans from the premises. When deciding on these measures, the seller carefully considers the needs of the situation, the rights and interests of all parties involved. In particular, the fundamental rights of customers are taken into account to ensure a fair and equitable solution.

  • Customers can terminate the customer account at any time. The seller can terminate the customer account at any time with a reasonable notice period, which is usually two weeks. The termination must be reasonable for the customer. The seller reserves the right to terminate the contract for extraordinary reasons.
  • From the time of termination, the customer account and the information stored in the customer account are no longer available to the customer. It is the customer's responsibility to secure their data when terminating the customer account.

11. CPC (Cost-per-Click)

How it works

  • For placing advertising on external websites or platforms, we pay publishers a fee per click on a job advertisement. Publishers receive a set payment for every click that a user makes on a job ad they have integrated.

Invalid clicks

  • We reserve the right to refuse or cancel payments for clicks that are deemed invalid or fraudulent. This includes, but is not limited to, clicks generated by automated scripts, click bots or other inauthentic sources.
  • QuickToJobs reserves the right to remove any clicks generated by publishers that are in conflict with the advertiser regarding the quality of the traffic, after QuickToJobs' investigation.


Publishers are required to inform us immediately if they suspect that invalid clicks have been generated on their ads. We have the right to cancel any invalid clicks and refuse corresponding compensation.

12. XML feed , API feed and Ads

XML feed

  • Employers can submit job advertisements to the job board via an XML feed. The XML feed enables automatic integration of job offers into the job board system. The feed must be submitted in accordance with our technical requirements and specifications.
  • We offer an XML feed in our publisher program. The feeds are Customizable with jobs to suit your audience, with a dashboard to access daily statistics per XML feed.

API feed

  • As an alternative to the XML feed, we also offer an API feed in the publisher program. Via the API feed you receive the job offers directly from our publisher program to your website in real time. Use of the API Feed requires a valid API key registration, which will be provided upon request.


  • QuickToJobs Ads has customizable contextual ads that match the content of your website. Through our advanced 
    Technology provides perfect job content to your audience. Our experts check the website before releasing it for ads.
    Any subsequent changes to your website content may not be discriminatory, illegal or pornographic in accordance with our terms and conditions
    contain content.


Requirements and Usage

  • The use of XML or API feeds is only permitted for users who meet the contractual and technical requirements set out in the respective API terms of use. We reserve the right to terminate use of feeds if these requirements are not met.


13. Statistics

Access to statistics

  • Employers, publishers and partners have the ability to access daily statistics that include data on clicks, impressions and other relevant metrics. These statistics provide insights into the performance of job ads and advertising efforts.


Accuracy and use of statistics

  • The statistics provided are generated based on the data we collect. You are checked for invalid clicks using our tools. The statistics we collect are used for invoicing in all areas.

14. Payments


  • Services such as purchasing packages for job advertisements are paid for as shown in the offers plus VAT. To purchase traffic on our Maketplace for employers and job boards through XML, payments must be made in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the respective contract. Payments for purchased traffic through confirmed clicks must be made at the end of each month. The invoices with the confirmed clicks are placed in the user account and the invoice amount is collected using the payment method inserted.

Payment methods

  • The accepted payment methods such as credit card, Paypal, Stripe and Klarna are available for payments.

Delayed payments and late fees

  • In the event of late payment, late payment interest and reminder fees may be charged in accordance with the contractual agreements. We reserve the right to suspend access to our Services until all outstanding payments are settled.


Publisher payment

  • You have to submit a self invoice at the beginning of new month by using approved monthly statistics from your “QuickToJobs” Publisher account.

    Minimum Payout is 100€.

    The approved clicks shall initially be determined on the basis of “QuickToJobs” tracking information which is available in a publisher's account. At the end of each month, the publisher will provide “QuickToJobs” detailing the number of approved clicks from their publisher account on an invoice. Publisher shall send an invoice to “QuickToJobs” after 3 working days at the beginning of a new month. The amount payable shall be due within 30 days after “QuickToJobs” receives the invoice.

15. Rights and obligations of users

  • Job Seeker Responsibilities: Job seekers must ensure that all information submitted (e.g. CV, cover letter) is truthful and up to date. You agree not to use the job board for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
  • Employers' obligations: Employers are responsible for ensuring that published job advertisements comply with applicable laws and do not contain misleading or fraudulent content. Employers are not allowed to collect or share personal data from applicants without their express consent.
  • Prohibited actions: It is prohibited to misuse the job board's services, for example by publishing fake job advertisements, sending unsolicited advertising or spying on user data. Violations can lead to the user account being blocked.


16. Data protection

  • The use of the job board is subject to the privacy policy of [company name]. We collect, process and store users' personal data only in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Further information can be found in our data protection declaration.


17. Use of cookies

The term “cookies” refers to functions that store information on users’ devices and read them from them. Cookies can also be used for various purposes, such as the functionality, security and convenience of online offerings and the creation of analysis of visitor flows. We use cookies in accordance with legal regulations. If necessary, we obtain consent in advance. If consent is not necessary, we rely on our legitimate interests is essential to be able to provide expressly requested content and functions. This includes, for example, storing settings and ensuring the functionality and security of our online offering. We provide clear information about the scope and which cookies are used.

Notes on data protection legal bases: Whether we process personal data using cookies depends on consent. If consent is given, it serves as the legal basis. Without consent, we rely on our legitimate interests, which are explained above in this section and in the context of the relevant services and procedures.

Storage period: With regard to the storage period, a distinction is made between the following types of cookies:

  • Temporary cookies (also: session or session cookies): Temporary cookies are deleted at the latest after a user has left an online offer and closed their device (e.g. browser or mobile application).
  • Permanent cookies: Permanent cookies remain stored even after the device is closed. For example, the log-in status can be saved and preferred content can be displayed directly when the user visits a website again. The user data collected using cookies can also be used to measure reach. Unless we provide users with explicit information about the type and storage period of cookies (e.g. as part of obtaining consent), they should assume that they are permanent and that the storage period can be up to two years.

General information on revocation and objection (opt-out): Users can revoke the consent they have given at any time and can also declare an objection to the processing in accordance with the legal requirements, including using the privacy settings of their browser.

  • Types of data processed: meta, communication and procedural data (e.g. IP addresses, time information, identification numbers, people involved).
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g. website visitors, users of online services).Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. f) GDPR). Consent (Art. 6 Para. 1 Sentence 1 Letter a) GDPR).

    Further information on processing processes, procedures and services:
  • Processing of cookie data based on consent: We use a consent management solution in which users' consent to the use of cookies or to the procedures and providers mentioned as part of the consent management solution is obtained. This procedure is used to obtain, record, manage and revoke consent, particularly with regard to the use of cookies and similar technologies that are used to store, read and process information on users' end devices. As part of this procedure, users' consents are obtained for the use of cookies and the related processing of information, including the specific processing and providers mentioned in the consent management procedure. Users also have the option to manage and revoke their consent. The declarations of consent are stored in order to avoid repeated queries and to be able to provide proof of consent in accordance with legal requirements.The storage takes place on the server side and/or in a cookie (so-called opt-in cookie) or using comparable technologies in order to be able to assign the consent to a specific user or their device. If there is no specific information about the providers of consent management services, the following general information applies: The duration of the storage of consent is up to two years. A pseudonymous user identifier is created, which is stored together with the time of consent, information on the scope of consent (e.g. relevant categories of cookies and/or service providers) and information about the browser, the system and the device used becomes; Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 Para. 1 Sentence 1 Letter a) GDPR).


18. Liability and responsibility

  • We assume no liability for direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the services, the acquisition of traffic or the placement of advertising. Users are responsible for their actions and content on the job board and release us from all third-party claims.


19. Termination

  • By the User: Users may terminate their account at any time by notifying QuickToJobs.
  • By QuickToJobs: QuickToJobs reserves the right to suspend or delete a user's account if the user violates the Terms of Use.


20. General information on offers and orders

  • Customers are responsible for ensuring that the information they provide is accurate and that any changes are communicated to the seller if they are necessary for the fulfillment of the contract. In particular, customers must ensure that the email and delivery addresses provided are correct and that any obstructions to receipt for which the customer is responsible are taken into account (e.g. by checking the spam folder of the email software used).


21. Ordering process and conclusion of contract


  • The customer can select products from the seller's range of products offered to the customer and collect them in a so-called shopping cart. The product selection can be changed in the shopping cart, e.g. B. be deleted. Otherwise, the customer can initiate the completion of the ordering process.


22. Contract text and contract language


  • The seller saves the contract text and makes it available to the customer in text form (e.g. by email or printed with the delivery of the order). The customer can print out the contract text before submitting the order to the seller by using the print function of his browser or the save function for web pages in the last step of the order.
  • If customers have created a customer account, they can view the orders placed in their account area. The full text of the contract is not accessible in the account area.
  • The contract languages ​​are German and English; contracts can be concluded in these languages.

23. Payment methods and payment conditions


  • When using financial institutions and other payment service providers, the payment service providers' terms and conditions and data protection information also apply with regard to payment. Customers are asked to observe these regulations and instructions as well as information during the payment process. This is particularly because the provision of payment methods or the course of the payment process can also depend on the agreements between the customer and financial institutions and payment service providers (e.g. agreed spending limits, location-restricted payment options, verification procedures, etc.).
  • The customer ensures that he meets the requirements required for successful payment using the chosen payment method. This includes in particular the sufficient coverage of bank and other payment accounts, registration, legitimation and authorization for payment services as well as the confirmation of transactions.
  • If a payment is not made or reversed due to insufficient funds in the customer's account, incorrect bank details or an unjustified objection by the customer, then the customer will bear the resulting fees, provided that he is responsible for the failed or reversed booking and in the event a SEPA transfer was informed in good time about the transfer (so-called “pre-notification”).
  • Credit card payment - When placing the order, customers provide their credit card details. The customer's credit card will be charged immediately after completing the order and after being authorized as the legitimate cardholder.
  • Klarna - Payment is carried out via the payment service provider Klarna AB, Sveavägen 46, Stockholm, Sweden (hereinafter: “Klarna”) using the Klarna payment method provided or chosen by the customer. Klarna’s terms of use apply, which are available at https ://www.klarna.com/de/ can be viewed and communicated to the customer as part of the payment process.
  • Klarna PayNow credit card - In order to make the payment, the customer must identify themselves as the legitimate cardholder before the payment transaction is carried out and the customer's account is automatically debited.
  • Klarna PayNow direct debit - The customer gives Klarna a SEPA direct debit mandate. By granting the SEPA direct debit mandate, Klarna is authorized to initiate the payment transaction, which will automatically debit the customer's bank account. The customer will be informed of the date of debiting the bank account (referred to as “Pre-Notification”).
  • Klarna invoice - the prerequisite is a successful check of the customer's address and creditworthiness by Klarna. When purchasing on account, customers receive the goods first. The payment term is 14 days, unless otherwise agreed during the payment process. The seller assigns his payment claim to Klarna. A debt-discharging payment can only be made to Klarna in accordance with Klarna's conditions.
  • Klarna installment payment - The prerequisite for Klarna installment purchase is a successful check of the customer's address and creditworthiness by Klarna. The seller assigns his claim to payment from the customer to Klarna. A debt-discharging payment can only be made to Klarna in accordance with Klarna's conditions. Further information on European standard information for consumer loans, financing via Klarna, in particular on the installments and minimum amount of the installment payment as well as Klarna's terms and conditions: https://cdn.klarna.com/1.0/shared/content/legal/terms/EID/de_de/account
  • Klarna Sofortüberweisung (Sofort) - Payment is carried out using online banking data by the provider Sofort GmbH immediately after the order is placed in accordance with the conditions of Klarna Sofortüberweisung (which are also communicated to the customer as part of the ordering process). Further information: https://www.klarna.com/sofort/.
  • PayPal - Payment is made via the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (hereinafter: “PayPal”) using the PayPal payment method provided or chosen by the customer. Customers will be redirected directly to PayPal at the end of the ordering process. For For customers who have a PayPal account, the following PayPal Terms of Service apply: https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full. If customers use PayPal's services without having a PayPal account, the following terms of use apply: https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/privacywax-full. Overview of all conditions: https://www.paypal.com/de/webapps/mpp/ua/legalhub-full.
  • PayPal Express - The customer pays the amount owed using the PayPal transaction process.
  • Stripe - Using Stripe may require registration for this payment method, depending on the payment methods chosen. The payment transaction is carried out based on Stripe's conditions, which are also communicated to the customer as part of the ordering process. Further information and conditions: https://stripe.com/de.


24. Digital content


  • The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply accordingly to the sale of digital content.
  • The digital content will be made available immediately after purchase, at the latest within 24 hours.
  • The digital content is made available to the customer in the customer account.
  • In order to use the digital content, access to the Internet as well as common and customary display options that are reasonable for the customer (e.g. a browser or PDF display software) are required. The Seller assumes no responsibility for any hindrance to access or retrieval of digital content if such obstacles are the responsibility of the Customer (this applies in particular to the Customer's access to the Internet).


25. Digital services


  • "Digital services" exist if they enable the customer, who is a consumer, to create, process or store data in digital form or to access such data or to share the data provided by the consumer or other users of the corresponding service in digital form Enable uploaded or created data or other interactions with this data.
  • The provisions of these General Terms and Conditions apply to digital services accordingly.

26. Changes to user conditions


  • The seller reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time with future effect in the following cases: a) If the change serves to ensure that the General Terms and Conditions comply with the applicable law, in particular if the applicable legal situation changes; b) If the change serves the seller to comply with mandatory judicial or official decisions; c) If completely new services or service elements as well as technical or organizational processes require a description in the General Terms and Conditions; d) If the change is only beneficial for customers.
  • In the case of customers who are entrepreneurs, changes can also be made in addition to the cases mentioned, provided they are reasonable, appropriate and objectively justified for the customer.
  • The seller will send the changed general terms and conditions to the email address provided by the customer to the seller at least two weeks before they come into force. If a customer does not object to the new General Terms and Conditions within two weeks of receiving the email, the changed General Terms and Conditions are deemed to have been accepted by the customer. By notifying customers of the change, the seller will inform customers of the consequences of not contesting the change. Customers can also agree to the changed terms and conditions by expressly agreeing to them.


27. Final provisions


  • The legal relationships between the customer, if the customer is an entrepreneur, and the seller are subject exclusively to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
  • The place of jurisdiction is the seller's registered office if the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law or if the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in the seller's country of residence. The right of the seller to choose another permissible place of jurisdiction remains reserved.


28. Dispute resolution and consumer dispute resolution


  • We are neither willing nor obliged to take part in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer dispute resolution board.


For Jobseekers
For Employers
Contact Us
Astrid-Lindgren-Weg 12 38229 Salzgitter Germany